Powiatowy Szlak Polski Walczącej

The Shrine commemorating the uprising of “Solidarity” movement in Izabelin
The Shrine commemorating the uprising of “Solidarity” movement in Izabelin
The events between the years 1980-1981 and the subsequent period known as the “festival of freedom” have left some scarce reminders in Nieporęt and its surroundings. One such a memento, located at the intersection of Krzywa and Izabelińska Streets, is a chapel hung on a tree with two interesting symbolic inscriptions: a symbol of freedom – a broken chain and the date of May 3, 1981, when Poland could openly celebrate, for the first time in many years, both a church festival and a public holiday (the anniversary of the Constitution of May 3, 1791 and the Feast of Our Lady Queen of Poland).