Powiatowy Szlak Polski Walczącej

19. Plaque commemorating first lieutenant of the Polish Army Kazimierz Widort in Michałów-Reginów surroundings of Główna Str. and Osiedlowa Str.
19. Plaque commemorating first lieutenant of the Polish Army Kazimierz Widort in Michałów-Reginów surroundings of Główna Str. and Osiedlowa Str.
Stone with a plaque commemorating second lieutenant of the Polish Army Kazimierz Widort (1907-1939).

In 1939, this officer, serving in the 67th Infantry Regiment, fought in the 4th Infantry Division “Pomerania”. He died heroically on September 14, 1939 in the Battle of the Bzura in the area between Chruślin Kościelny and Guźnia.

The plaque was unveiled in September 2011 on the pre-war property of Kazimierz Widort, which he had bought in 1937 from the Zyskowski family. On the three-hectare plot of land, he built the house where, in 1939, a few months before the war, he settled with his family. I In 1936, he married Halina Gidzińska and they settled together in Brodnica. However, Kazimierz Widort was temporarily moved to Warsaw, where he was a student of the 2nd Course of the Józef Piłsudski Central Institute of Physical Education in Bielany (today ‘AWF’, Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw), and then boxing instructor and referee. He settled temporarily in Bielany, at 3, Podczaszyńskiego Street, and he commuted to Michalów, where he supervised the construction of the abovementioned house.

The commemorative plaque, funded by his son, Kornel Widort, was erected on the 72 anniversary of the death of the heroic officer.