Powiatowy Szlak Polski Walczącej

The site of the former synagogue in Serock 11 Listopada Str.
The site of the former synagogue in Serock 11 Listopada Str.
On this street, known also as Listopadowa street, called Synagogue street by the local Jews, stood the Great Synagogue, built at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. In 1939, the Germans destroyed parts of its interior and used the building to detain hostages and prisoners.

In May 1940, they created a transit camp and a penal camp. It functioned until May 1944 and had two detention halls for men and one for women. Over the years, several hundred prisoners were detained in the camp. They were forced to work in the nearby farms in Jadwisin and Pobyłkowo and to clean the city.